Digital Photography & Imaging / Project 1



LIM CHAEHWAN (0363792)

Digital Photography & Imaging / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media

Project 1- Exercise: Physical Collage, 2x Digital Imaging Exercises


Week1(Subject outline & expectations)

Today, Mr. Martin introduced us to a project that we will complete in the first semester and then had us play "The Bézier Game." This is the second time I've played this game, and it's a bit easier than the first time, but the shapes I drew still aren't perfect. After practicing at home a few times, my score was 39 nodes to spare, which was a great experience. This week, we need to find some graphic designs for which we create a collage.

Week 2 (Hearst Mansion) 
Mr. Martin taught us how to create shadows and even express images reflected on the floor through quick selection tools and blur effects. I was able to learn various tools of Photoshop well through activities that I made with my image.

Fig 1.0 Hearst Mansion
-Tool Box
Fig 1.1 Tool Box

Week 3 (Recoloring)
This week, our task is to recolor black and white portraits using Photoshop. We will follow Mr. Martin's step-by-step instructions using a template, and then choose a portrait to recolor. I find this process very enjoyable as I watch the black-and-white image gradually come to life with color, and it also makes me think about using this technique to restore old photos.

Week 4 (
Introduction to Composition)


           Fig 1.1 Rule of Thirds

-The Rule of Thirds is a way to: 

  • Use composition techniques that are in line with what’s naturally pleasing to the eye. 

  • Creatively use negative space.

  • Create a conversation between the subject and background

-Golden ratio.

The Golden Ratio is a useful guideline for determining the dimensions of the layout. One very simple way to apply the Golden Ratio is to set your dimensions to 1:1.61


                                                      Fig 1.1 Golden ratio

-Composition[Framing & Cropping]


<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


Design #1:

Fig 2.0 Design by Johannes Schnatmann

Description: His works are commercial, but you can see the limitlessness of design and get creative web design ideas.

Design #2:

Fig 2.1 Design by Felipe Posada

Description: I am usually interested in anthroposophical and metaphysical subjects, but I liked that this work expresses a surreal composition using a digital collage technique. Your imagination is stimulated as you think about your connection to nature and the ever-expanding mysteries of the universe.

Design #3: 

Fig 2.2 Design by Diogo Sampaio

Description: This work reminds me of the time when our ancient ancestors imagined the Earth as a square or other shape rather than a sphere. The picture, in which the landscape of a place in Europe is distorted in the form of a right angle, is pleasing to the eye with dynamic and colorful houses.

PROJECT 1: Physical Collage

The task is to cut out pictures from magazines and create three collages, and finally select one as the submission for our Physical Collage assignment. I prepared the materials and decided to create a graphic design with the title "Whisper a Dream."

Fig. 3.0 Pre-composition #1, week 1 (12/4/2023)
Fig. 1.0 is my initial arrangement, with a relatively simple composition, but my goal is to successfully convey a message. I wanted to express an angel who whispered his dream to an angel who played a dream song. So I expressed the strings of the guitar with the materials and the stars above me to convey and imagine the whisper of the dream.

Fig. 3.1 Pre-composition #2, week 1 (13/4/2023)
However, I wanted the theme, "Whisper a Dream," to be revealed more visually, so I added a star to my whispering ears because I expressed my dream as a star before.

Final Physical Collage

Fig. 3.2 'Whisper a Dream', Final physical collage, week 2 (17/4/2023)

PROJECT 1: Exercise 1 (Hearst Mansion)

Fig. 4.0 Hearst Mansion, week 2 (13/4/2023)

PROJECT 1: Exercise 2 (Recoloring Black & White)

Fig. 4.1 Class exercise, week 3 (20/4/2023)

Fig. 4.2 Recoloring B&W photo, week 3 (20/4/2023)


This project was quite interesting, and it came to me more familiar because I used to collage when I read fashion magazines. Learning Photoshop in class, I learned how each Lasso tool works differently. The Raso tool is more suitable for quick selection, while the Polygon Raso tool can select objects with lines, and the Magnetic Raso tool automatically detects the outline of the object. The collage mainly used magnetic lasso tools, because it had better control over which parts to choose. As for the pen tool, it works similarly to the pen tool from Adobe Illustrator which I'm more familiar with, but I didn't use this tool for collages. Making this collage was quite fun. I enjoyed coming up with various collage concepts with the images provided while fiddling with the composition.

Designing the collage provided me with a platform for experimentation and unleashing my creativity. and also, Photoshop's versatile tools allowed me to explore different compositions, play with colors and textures, and blend elements seamlessly. I felt a sense of freedom to experiment and push the boundaries of traditional design, resulting in unique and captivating visual compositions.

As I completed the collage and witnessed the transformation of individual images into a cohesive and visually striking composition, I experienced a profound sense of accomplishment. Seeing my creative vision materialize through the use of Photoshop tools filled me with pride and motivation to continue exploring and refining my design skills.


Illustrator CC: Visual QuickStart Guide
by Elaine Weinmann (Author), Peter Lourekas (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition
Fig. 5.0 Illustrator CC: Visual QuickStart Guide

Fig. 5.1 masking& blur

Fig. 5.2 Smooth skin with Gaussian blur filter

Fig. 5.3 Two exposure version via a layer mask

I reviewed the basic tools I learned in class and became curious about more tools, so I looked up related books. While studying Photoshop, I was interested in learning that various photos can be easily edited by the photoshop tool.


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